Kari Olson RN, BSN
Providing a calming reassurance and amazing care is my mission!
"Surgery has been one of my favorite things during my nursing career. Most people come in nervous for their procedure, and I feel privileged to be a calming face before and after the procedure. I love being in the operating room and assisting surgeons to help patients. Working at a rural hospital, you get to provide care one-on-one, and I am proud to be able to help people in my community."
A Variety of Career Experiences Assists Me in Providing Great Personalized Care
"I have worked in rural health my entire nursing career. I have worked in surgery for seven years and this specialty has been my favorite. I have also worked as a floor nurse, emergency room nurse, and OB/baby nurse. I love that in a rural medical facility, you are tasked with a variety of roles and responsibilities."
Bachelor of Science in Nursing | Midland University, Fremont, Nebraska.
Kari grew up in Valparaiso and attended Raymond Central Public Schools. She and her husband have three children and live in Valparaiso. As a family, they enjoy fishing and being outdoors.
"In the fall, you can most likely find us at the family farm in a tractor or combine. Our kids are just starting to play sports and we enjoy watching them! When I get a free minute, I love to read and I enjoy researching ancestry. Not everyone may know this, but I enjoy baking, and I love getting creative in making my kids' birthday cakes!"
I look forward to caring for you in our outstanding surgery department!