
Resources ARE Available for Our Educators.
BHECN Serenity Project
These are brief YOGA and Wellness Videos that can be accessed on-demand for stress management and self-care.
Resources specific to School Mental Health from MMI - Mid-America Mental Health Technology Transfer Institute
COVID-19 Specific School Mental Health Resources
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration
Resources to Assist Your Students & Staff
Social & Emotional Learning Goals and Student-Friendly Scales | NDMTSS
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.
Nebraska School Leaders | NRCSA + ESUCC collaboration is proud to offer our educators statewide content to help extend their thinking in a way that is efficient, effective, and hopefully timely.
- What is Social-Emotional Behavioral Learning (SEBL)?
- SEBL Resources for Educators
- Leading Your Staff with Social-Emotional Learning This video is one of a series released by a collaboration between the Nebraska Rural Community Schools Association and the Nebraska Educational Services Coordinating Council designed to support school leaders as their district/school(s) move to remote learning.
- Social-Emotional Support for Vulnerable Students This video is one of a series released by a collaboration between the Nebraska Rural Community Schools Association and the Nebraska Educational Services Coordinating Council designed to support school leaders as their district/school(s) move to remote learning.
- Resources for Supporting Students with SEBL
- Wellness Printables Folder of inspiring wellness images/messages.
- SEBL Learning Resources Folder of social-emotional resources.
- Social-Emotional Online Resources Podcasts, books, resources.
The Good Life EDU Podcast | Nebraska ESU Coordinating Council
- Monday Motivation
- How a Group of Students Created a Self-Care Initiative for Their School
- Wellness for All in Education
- Teacher Self-Care and Social-Emotional Learning
- Teacher Self-Care Lunch Bunch Session
Documentary Videos I Love Public Schools
Professional Wellbeing Front-line caregivers, including health care workers and school-based providers, have endured atypically high stress levels since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. High mortality, increased health care demands, rationing of basic health care supplies, and moral injury are common causes of burnout during an infectious disease outbreak. In addition to the harmful mental health impacts, burnout can impact performance, meaning it is crucial for us to make the mental health and well-being of these populations a priority.