Saunders Medical Center Foundation is your trusted partner in charitable giving providing excellence in healthcare in your community. The foundation goal is to provide
- Impactful healthcare for future generations.
- Meaningful ways to remember, honor, and pay tribute to loved ones
The mission of Saunders Medical Center Foundation is the development, management, and distribution of gifts to assist Saunders Medical Center in providing excellence in health care for Saunders County and the surrounding area.

A generous donor has come forward and is matching all gifts to the Nursing Home/Long Term Care Sunroom Project! Please consider a donation today! Groundbreaking will take place in 2025. Contact Candi at 402 443-1427 or cjohnston@smcne.com for details.
Making a difference in the Healthcare of Our Community

About Us
Saunders Health Services Foundation was incorporated as a non-profit charitable organization in 1993 and is recognized by the IRS as a qualified 501(c)(3) charity. A dedicated volunteer Board of Directors oversees the Foundation’s resource and fund development and supports a variety of community health initiatives. All donations are tax-deductible.

Ready to make a difference?
Every charitable gift makes a difference. Choose what you are passionate about to help our future generations' healthcare. Call us to learn more about our goals and how we are looking to achieve them. You may even know someone who would like to make a difference. We are passionate about providing excellent healthcare for many generations to come.
Phone | (402) 443-1422
Email | Foundation@smcne.com
Address | 1760 County Road J | Wahoo, NE 68066